Filling Out Grant Applications With Change Agent

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Filling Out Grant Applications With Change Agent


Here’s how you can use Change Agent to streamline the process of filling out grant applications.

Step 1: Load Background Documents

Upload relevant documents such as annual reports, project plans, and other organizational materials to ensure Change Agent has the necessary information to answer application questions.

  • To upload the information as a file
    • Click the “+” symbol to the left of the prompt window
    • Choose your file
  •  To load the information from a webpage
    • Copy the entire URL (NOTE: if the URL is for a Google Doc or other cloud service, make sure that sharing is set to “Anybody with the link”)
    • Type “#” into the Change Agent prompt window and paste your URL immediately after the “#”
    • Click on the gray dialog window that says #[URL] to load the information

Step 2: Draft Application Responses

Enter a prompt that says “Answer the following grant application questions for [your organization’s name].”
Change Agent’s advanced language models will draft clear, concise, and compelling responses to each question.

Example prompt:
"Answer the grant application questions for XYZ Non-Profit Organization."

Step 3: Review and Edit Responses

Utilize Change Agent’s capabilities to improve initial responses for clarity, coherence, and alignment with grant objectives.
Use follow-up prompts to suggest improvements or alternative phrasings to enhance the quality of your application.

Example follow-up prompts:
"Improve the response to question 3 for better clarity."
"Suggest alternative phrasing for the answer to question 5."

Step 4: Enter Responses into Application Form and Submit

Copy-and-paste responses into the application form and submit!


Current Process

Filling out grant applications can be a time-consuming process, requiring extensive research and tailoring of responses to each funder’s priorities. This often demands specialized knowledge or experience in grant writing, diverting staff time away from program delivery and development efforts.


Change Agent offers an innovative solution for streamlining the grant application process. By leveraging AI-powered analysis, Change Agent can quickly draft clear and compelling responses, reducing costs and accelerating the process.


  • Reduced time spent on researching and filling out applications
  • Improved quality of responses through AI-powered analysis
  • Increased efficiency in the grant writing process, allowing staff to focus on program delivery and development efforts
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